Sunday, July 12, 2009

Laban Watson and the Ravine House

Click here to watch this 30-minute video.


Gail Scott said...

Awesome!!!! Ken Burns, watch out!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all your work. This is incredible! Barbara Arnold

Unknown said...

I just came across these photos. Have you ever seen the fantastic portrait of Laban Watson that hung for years at Coldbrook Lodge, and now is in Becky Boothman's house on Randolph Hill? He's holding a poker hand and has the most inscrutable look.

--Dwight Bradley
Chugiak, Alaska

Marcia Gulesian said...

I vaguely remember seeing the portrait you speak of, many years ago. I have a photo taken in Coldbrook Lodge of Edith and John Boothman's 50th wedding anniversary. In it, the portrait of Laban with cards in his hands hangs prominently on the wall.